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CREEPING RED FESCUE is a fine bladed turf grass with medium to dark green color that spreads through seeding and root systems. IT is used in many turf areas including lawns, parks, roadsides and fairways. It is established easily from seed and is well suited for dry, shaded areas as either a pure stand or as a mixture with other turf blends such as Kentucky Bluegrass and Perennial Ryegrass. Creeping Red Fescue grows best on well drained sites and in droughty, infertile soils. It is one of the best grasses for use in shade, but it will also tolerate full sun conditions if adequately watered. It is also easy on the environment due to low water, mowing and fertilization requirements. Seed March-May and August-October at 3-5 lbs per 1000 sq ft. Over-seed at a Rate of 4 lbs per 1000 sq ft.