50# K-31 FESCUE

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$64.99 / BG

K-31 FESCUE  is the hardiest of the tall fescues.  It is well adapted to our Midwestern soil and weather conditions.  K-31 will provide a durable turf even in poor soils or heavy traffic areas.  It grows vigorously in the spring and fall and it has good disease resistance.  K-31 has deep and extensive root systems, which make it drought tolerant and excellent for erosion control in problem areas.  It also resists stress from tree root competition and grows well in deeply shaded areas with little irrigation. K-31 also contains endophyte, which provides even better resistance to heat, drought and disease.  For a desirable lawn, seed K-31 thickly at a rate of 10 lbs per 1000 sq ft.

/ BG
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50# K-31 FESCUE
50# K-31 FESCUE
50# K-31 FESCUE