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$2.69 / LB

HOUNDOG 6 TALL FESCUE  is a new and improved tall fescue variety developed for superior turf quality.  It has high heat and disease resistance, and is used in a wide range of adaptations such as lawns, playing fields and golf coarse roughs.  Houndog 6 is a very dark green, moderately fine textured tall fescue with excellent wear tolerance.  With proper management it can survive in densely shaded sites and remain green throughout the growing season.  It is well adapted to the "transition zone" where summers are too hot and humid for cool season grasses and winters too cold for warm season grasses.  Houndog 6 It is fully endophyte enhanced, which provides increased resistance to a number of leaf and crown feeding insects and nematodes.  The presence of endophyte also contributes to improved biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, improved seedling establishment, enhanced spring/fall recovery and reduced summer/winter weed invasion.  Seed at a rate of 8-10 lbs per 1000 sq ft.  Over-seed at a rate of 3-5 lbs per 1000 sq ft.

/ LB
Part Number
Quantity Available
Feldmans Blue Springs
In Stock
Feldmans Bonner Springs
In Stock
Feldmans Liberty
In Stock

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