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Crabgrass Preventer Lawn Fertilizer 15-0-5
with 0.172% Dimension & Fertil Blend
Excellent pre-emergent & early post-emergent control of crabgrass; therefore if can be applied later in the season than other crabgrass preventers
Provides 2-4 week longer window of application & control
Controls crabgrass, annual grasses & broadleaf weeds up to 5 months
Can be applied on dormant or spring seeded lawns after the second
Rapidly thickens lawn
Reseeding interval of 4 months
Total nitrogen: 15% urea; Potash MOP: 5%; Iron: .25%; Copper: .13%; Manganese: .13%; Zinc: .13%; Molybdenum: 0.0013%; Boron: .05%; SGN: 200
Apply: Before crabgrass germinates in spring
Coverage: 18 lb bag up to 5,400 sq ft; 50 lb bag up to 15,000 sq ft
Step 1 of the Dyna Green 5-step 50-pound fertilizer program